One of few publications to address the issue of protective shelters, this book records the results of a week-long symposium that used the archaeological site of Herculaneum as an “open classroom.”
ICCROM and the other partners of the MOSAIKON initiative worked with the British School at Rome and the Herculaneum Conservation Project to bring together heritage professionals from ten Mediterranean countries with a group of international colleagues with relevant expertise regarding shelters. The participants represented a cross-section of disciplines and a range of experiences in the conservation and management of sites with mosaics, and each one presented a relevant case studies from their country, which tied the discussion to real sites and challenges.
The publication is divided into four sections:
- The process of sheltering
- Approaches to shelters around the Mediterranean
- Insights into Mediterranean practice
- Considerations
It is hoped that this publication will further the discourse regarding protective shelters for archaeological sites and offer heritage practitioners some guiding principles when faced with sheltering decisions.
How to Cite this Work
Aslan, Zaki, Sarah Court, Jeanne Marie Teutonico, and Jane Thompson (eds). 2018. Protective Shelters for Archaeological Sites. Rome: British School at Rome.