Centro Internacional de Estudios de Conservación y Restauración de los Bienes Culturales
Filtro por region
Medición del desempeño en conservación del patrimonio - Resúmenes en español

Medición del desempeño en conservación del patrimonio - Resúmenes en español

Proceedings from the 6th International Seminar on Urban Conservation which took place in Recife, Brazil in March 2011. The papers cover six subthemes for evaluation of conservation performance: identification and inventories; assessment and evaluation; economics and development; monitoring and measurements; participation and inclusivity; and indicators.
The Role of Architecture in Preventive Conservation

The Role of Architecture in Preventive Conservation

ICCROM Fellowship report that discusses the climate responsiveness of historic and modern buildings, especially when reused for museum purposes, and how these buildings can be designed or adapted using architectural solutions to provide passive climate control for the preventive conservation of museum, library and archive collections.