A special edition conmemorating ICCROM’s 50th Anniversary with timelines highlighting the milestones of the organization.
from Rome Centre to ICCROM;
the ’50s and ‘60s: the early years of the Rome Centre;
the ‘70s: new headquarters…
cultural heritage and communication
ICCROM news and events
building knowledge: fifty years of training at ICCROM
an integrated approach to conservation and management of heritage
a new headquarter’s building for ICCROM
training on…
developing partnerships: the key to ICCROM’s future;
ICCROM news and events;
remembering the Florence flood;
CollAsia 2010: teaming up;
advancing research in risk management applications to cultural property;
new international course on…
reflections on ICCROM’s 50th anniversary
ICCROM news and events
cultural heritage in post-conflict recovery
teamwork for integrated emergency management (TIEM)
travel operators: new partners in protecting cultural heritage
culture and disaster recovery
ICCROM news and events
addressing risks to collections in storage
museum collections in Southeast Asia
making a difference in preventive conservation
managing archaeological sites in the Arab region
Africa 2009…
living religious heritage
ICCROM news and events
visitor beware!
the legacy of Cesari Brandi
conserving photographic memories
a European project for postgraduate training
reburial of archaeological sites
heritage management planning…
cultural heritage at risk
ICCROM news and events
Generation 2: rethinking education materials: training the trainers
flexible materials in Asian collections
sharing conservation decisions
the challenge of cultural landscapes
the Cinque Terre…
editorial by the Director-General
ICCROM news: architecture and archaeological sites unit
collections unit
heritage settlements unit
preservation of archives in Peru and at ICCROM
standards in conservation
and many other topics.
editorial by the Director-General
ICCROM news: architecture and archaeological sites unit
collections unit
heritage settlements unit
and many other topics.