International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property

ICCROM Past Lecture Series

Heritage and Pandemics: Traditional Knowledge for Building Resilience

COVID-19 is not the first pandemic in history, demonstrating that humanity is resilient enough to survive health crises, among other natural and/or human-induced hazards on a global scale. The examples of Egypt, Guatemala and Nigeria will be used to address the question of how traditional knowledge...

Heritage and Wellbeing: What Constitutes a Good Life?

This webinar will address the issue of well-being. With a panel of speakers drawn from economics, health, sociology and heritage conservation, we will explore what well-being is, why it’s important, and how through reframing the ways in which heritage is recognised, used and cared for in terms of...

Heritage and Pandemics: Accessing heritage during a pandemic

How can we access and keep in touch with cultural heritage during a pandemic? How can we be inspired by cultural heritage to develop our own art and craft activities? This webinar will reflect on maximizing digital possibilities that allow for engaging with cultural heritage in ways that is not...

World Heritage Leadership - who are we connecting and how can you be a part?

The World Heritage Leadership Programme is about practicing heritage conservation by linking people, nature, and culture. Get to know the main ideas that drive the programme content, what we are doing to achieve that goal, and how we work with people all over the world. Hear from our partners about...

Heritage and Pandemics: Psycho-social support during a crisis

How can we build emotional resilience amidst a crisis, such as the pandemic we are experiencing now, when everything familiar seems to fall apart? This webinar brings reflections on the need for psycho-social support for affected artists, cultural heritage bearers and heritage professionals. At the...

Heritage and Resilience: Building a symbiotic relationship

The concept of resilience has gained significant traction in past few years and applied to various fields. However, there is general lack of clarity about this term, often misused as a jargon. Therefore, while on one hand, we need to understand the term itself, we should also explore it in relation...

Heritage and Pandemics: Saving lives and intangible cultural heritage in crises

COVID-19, lockdowns, movement restrictions have brought our daily lives to a standstill in almost every country in the world. It has hugely impacted large economies, but it has disproportionately affected the livelihoods of the most marginalised people. Cultural bearers, artisans, traditional...

Reopening and Adapting Heritage Places During a Pandemic

Heritage and Pandemics: Reopening and Adapting Heritage Places During a Pandemic

Speakers: Rohit JIGYASU (ICCROM), Eva MARTINEZ (Chief of Cultural Heritage, Instituto Hondureño de Antropología e Historia, Honduras), Rebecca KENNEDY (Collections Care Specialist, Curae Collections Care LLC), Kristin PARKER (Lead Curator of the Arts, Boston Public Library, Boston, MA, USA), Repaul...


Heritage and Pandemics: analysing an unfolding crisis

Speakers: Aparna TANDON (ICCROM), Mikiko HAYASHI (Japan), Halcyon WILTSHIRE (Barbados), Ihor POSHYVAILO (Ukraine), Eyyas ABRAS (Syria) Gathering reliable and consistent information during an emergency can be challenging, yet it is crucial to inform actions to save lives and secure property. But how...

ICCROM Lecture Series: Protecting People and their Heritage in Times of Covid

Protecting People and their Heritage in Times of COVID

Speakers: Aparna Tandon and Rohit Jigyasu Invited guests: Shubha Chaudhuri - American Institute of Indian Studies, Abdelhamid Saleh - Egyptian Heritage Rescue Foundation, Ang Ming Chee - George Town World Heritage Incorporated, Celina Rincón and Susana Eslava - Ministry of Culture of Colombia...