International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property

The World Heritage Leadership Programme has been developed by ICCROM, IUCN and the Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment, and draws on the results of a 2015 consultative workshop that included ICOMOS, UNESCO World Heritage Centre and representatives of many different institutions. From 2016 IUCN and ICCROM aim to adopt a common objective, and a series of shared results and coordinated actions in each of their World Heritage related programmes to achieve this initiative.

Institute of Disaster Mitigation for Urban Cultural Heritage, Ritsumeikan University (R-DMUCH)Japan Sustainability and Built Heritage , Training Partnerships , World Heritage Leadership (WHL)
International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)International Library , World Heritage Leadership (WHL) , Publications , Advisory Services to the World Heritage Convention , Architectural Archaeological Tangible Heritage in the Arab Region (ATHAR)
International Scientific Committee on the Underwater Cultural Heritage (ICOMOS-ICUCH)International World Heritage Leadership (WHL)
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)International Advisory Services to the World Heritage Convention , Publications , World Heritage Leadership (WHL) , Youth.Heritage.Africa (YHA)
Jaipur Municipal CorporationIndia World Heritage Leadership (WHL)
Korea Heritage Service (KHS)Republic of Korea CollAsia , First Aid and Resilience for Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis (FAR) , Publications , RE-ORG , World Heritage Leadership (WHL) , Advisory Services to the World Heritage Convention
Korea National University for Cultural Heritage (KNUCH)Republic of Korea World Heritage Leadership (WHL)
Koror State GovernmentPalau World Heritage Leadership (WHL)
Lake Ledro Pile-Dwelling MuseumItaly World Heritage Leadership (WHL)
Laponian Area World HeritageSweden World Heritage Leadership (WHL)
Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ)India World Heritage Leadership (WHL)
Mie Prefectural Government Board of EducationJapan World Heritage Leadership (WHL)
Ministry of CultureAlbania World Heritage Leadership (WHL)
Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the province of JujuyArgentina World Heritage Leadership (WHL)
Ministry of Tourism and AntiquitiesEgypt World Heritage Leadership (WHL)
Municipality of NotoddenNorway World Heritage Leadership (WHL)
Municipality of RørosNorway World Heritage Leadership (WHL)
Municipality of TinnNorway World Heritage Leadership (WHL)
Municipality of VinjeNorway World Heritage Leadership (WHL)
National Centre for World Heritage sites (CNPM)Chile World Heritage Leadership (WHL)
National Council for the Protection of La Antigua Guatemala (CNPAG)Guatemala World Heritage Leadership (WHL)
National Cultural Heritage Administration (NCHA)China Training Partnerships , World Heritage Leadership (WHL)
National Heritage Conservation Commission (NHCC)Zambia World Heritage Leadership (WHL)
National Intercultural University of Quillabamba (UNIQ)Peru World Heritage Leadership (WHL)
National Museums and Monuments of Zimbabwe (NMMZ)Zimbabwe World Heritage Leadership (WHL)