International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property
Ukraine damage assessment app

Results are in: ICCROM-FAR’s app for damage and risk assessment in Ukraine

Nearly one year into the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, all types of heritage across Ukraine have been damaged, destroyed or are at risk of becoming so. In response, ICCROM’s First Aid and Resilience for Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis Programme (FAR), in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, Maidan Museum and Heritage Emergency Response Initiative (HERI)...

Jodhpur, India

Gathering indigenous knowledge to mitigate climate crisis in five climate hotspots – Net Zero: Heritage for Climate Action

A first-of-its-kind capacity development project, Net Zero is engaging five multidisciplinary teams and communities at five climate hotspots to leverage indigenous knowledge and local practices on climate change mitigation and adaptation. Through collaborative learning, research and community-led action in the field, the five teams from Brazil, Egypt, India, Sudan and Uganda will develop and field...

Criador: Pedro França | Crédito: Pedro França/Agência Senado | Direitos autorais: Senado Federal do Brasil

ICCROM’s risk management methodology put into practice in Brazil

Our risk management methodology was put into practice to help safeguard Brazil’s cultural heritage in the recent events of vandalism in Brasília.

FAC Handbook and Toolkit now available in Georgian

FAC Handbook and Toolkit now available in Georgian

The First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis Handbook and Toolkit is now available in Georgian. The translation was made possible thanks to long-standing ICCROM-FAR partners Blue Shield Georgia and First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis (FAC) course alumni.


Presenting “Net Zero: Heritage for Climate Action” at Understanding Risk Global Forum

One of Net Zero’s principal aims is to involve key United Nations agencies and decision makers to fast-track heritage-based climate action and advance the goal of net zero emissions. Building on this idea, ICCROM-FAR joined forces with UNESCO to hold a panel discussion – Learning from old tides to ride future waves – on 30 November at the Understanding Risk Global Forum (UR22) to highlight Net...


Protecting heritage at the intersection of conflicts, disasters and epidemics: Stories of Change in MENAP

A people-centred approach to heritage preservation can help reinstate peace and build disaster resilience, contributing to a sustainable recovery. The Alliance for Cultural First Aid, Peace, and Resilience project, conceived by ICCROM and the ALIPH Foundation, has helped provide strong evidence supporting this idea. ICCROM is grateful to the ALIPH Foundation, the implementing partners of the...

Community-Based Heritage Indicators for Peace: A tool for measuring peace

Community-Based Heritage Indicators for Peace: A tool for measuring peace

Capturing local voices on how they use and regard heritage in situations of peace and conflict is the focus of our newest Tool, Community-Based Heritage Indicators for Peace, developed by ICCROM’s First Aid and Resilience for Cultural Heritage in Times of Crises (FAR) Programme. This new resource outlines a step-by-step method for engaging local communities in defining heritage indicators that can...

ICCROM’s pioneering resource on First Aid to Cultural Heritage now in Dari

ICCROM’s pioneering resource on First Aid to Cultural Heritage now in Dari

To break language barriers and enhance emergency preparedness to safeguard cultural heritage in Afghanistan, Hashimi translated ICCROM-FAR’s First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis Handbook and Toolkit into Dari, one of the official languages of Afghanistan. The Handbook will help the heritage community implement coordinated cultural rescue and risk reduction operations. The Toolkit...

World in Florence 2022

ICCROM engages youth and the international community in integrating heritage into disaster risk reduction, climate action and peacebuilding

Through a participatory game on disaster risk governance and two formal panels on climate action and peacebuilding, ICCROM’s First Aid and Resilience (FAR) Programme engaged 90 high school kids and a diverse heritage community at “The World in Florence,” an international festival about the diversity of the world’s cultural expressions, organized by the Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation in Florence...

Socorrista cultural traduce de forma voluntaria al español el manual y las herramientas de la FAC

Cultural First Aider voluntarily translates FAC Handbook and Toolkit into Spanish

Growing up in Guatemala meant that volcanic eruptions, hurricanes and earthquakes were simply part of life for Mr Samuel Franco Arce. He has been working in Latin America and the Caribbean for many years to promote risk preparedness using ICCROM’s First Aid for Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis (FAC) methodology - what he calls his Bible. Mr Arce has long been informally translating messages...