Over 200 museum professionals from all over the world have gathered at the Royal Museums of Art and History (KMKG-MRAH) in Brussels, Belgium to discuss the practicalities of reorganizing museum storage and the potentially meaningful outcomes this can bring for communities. They are using the RE-ORG methodology, originally developed by ICCROM with the support of UNESCO.
The seminar, held on 28-29 September 2016, features twenty-five talks by speakers from Argentina, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Guatemala, Greece, India, Serbia and Switzerland, along with ten poster presentations. On the first day, Gaël de Guichen, Special Advisor to the Director-General of ICCROM, will give the keynote address entitled “Reorganizing Museum Storage: An 80-year journey… and still a way to go!”
Tune in to the RE-ORG International Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/reorgstorage/) at 9:45am Central European Time (CET) for a live broadcast of Gaël’s talk.
This is the first international event of its kind on storage reorganization. Visits to RE-ORGanized storage will allow the seminar participants to appreciate the results of the methodology.
Following the seminar, a select group of RE-ORG trainers, participants and programme coordinators will meet on 30 September for a special strategic workshop to explore the future of RE-ORG International.
Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK-IRPA)
Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI)
Member states represented
Argentina, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Egypt, Guatemala, Greece, India, Indonesia, Italy, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia and Switzerland.