Heritage Hub is a new ICCROM long-term regional initiative. The goal is to create economic value, invest in social and human capital, and foster innovation and creativity within the heritage sector in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the aspirations of the African Union’s Agenda 2063. Through our Heritage Hubs we seek to connect the younger generation and youth organizations with strategies and initiatives that will make Africa’s heritage a source of economic and social opportunity for their benefit.

Kenya Heritage Hub


Kenya is among Africa's largest economies and one of the most populated countries on the continent. Famous for its spectacular beauty, it is home to seven UNESCO World Heritage sites and many other landmarks, as well as several important museums and a wealth of intangible heritage. This culture needs to be protected and promoted. Creative and innovative, Kenya’s youth nevertheless bear the burden of unemployment and are underrepresented in heritage management and other related sectors.

Our Approach

As a valuable source of economic and social opportunity, cultural heritage can offer solutions while benefiting from the ingenuity and innovation young generations can bring. Through the new Kenya Heritage Hub, ICCROM and the National Museums of Kenya (NMK) will be empowering Kenyan youth with skills and knowledge that will help them to embark on their careers in cultural heritage conservation and management, as well as heritage-related industries. Preparing the next generation of heritage practitioners, we will help Kenyan cultural and creative sectors thrive.

Activities and Themes

Heritage Hub Kenya


To support cultural heritage education in Kenya, we introduce and promote courses in heritage-related disciplines at local training institutions, enhance paid internship programmes in cultural heritage organizations and carry out educational and awareness-raising activities.

Traditional Arts and crafts

Intangible heritage can help generate revenue and decent work for individuals and communities. Preserving and promoting traditional craftsmanship, performing and visual arts, we seek to inspire Kenyan youth to translate their cultural assets into viable economic products and stimulate youth entrepreneurship.

Heritage mapping and inventory

In a joint effort to promote research and documentation of heritage sites in the coastal counties, the Kenya Heritage Hub will help modernize and update the existing tools of heritage management such as inventories and conduct digital mapping of heritage sites.

Technology and underwater photography

With its rich maritime cultural past, Kenya is an ideal place for training in underwater photography. To protect the country's underwater heritage we will teach young experts to document and promote it using modern technologies.

Expected outcomes

  • New heritage-inspired enterprises
  • New partnerships and professional networks
  • Improved heritage conservation and management
  • Improved awareness among young Africans of the importance of their heritage
  • Higher human capital and employment opportunities for young experts
  • New impulse to artistic and creative industries

Kenya Heritage Hub