Enhance your ability to manage risks to heritage collections, living heritage, traditional practices, and crafts, and protect them from the devastating impacts of disasters, conflicts, and extreme weather events.
This information session will guide potential applicants through the application process, eligibility requirements, and key benefits of READY Track 1, helping them understand how this training can strengthen their capacity to safeguard heritage collections and living traditions in the face of disasters and emergencies.
ICCROM’s First Aid and Resilience in Times of Crisis programme invites you to participate in an immersive learning opportunity through READY Track 1: Safeguarding Heritage Collections, Living Traditions, and Practices in the Face of Disasters, Extreme Weather Events, and Complex Emergencies. This hybrid, interdisciplinary training emphasizes a systems-based approach to managing risks to heritage collections, whether housed in museums, libraries, archives, or places of worship—as well as risks to living traditions and associated knowledge systems.
What will you learn from the Information Meeting?
- Understand the step-by-step application process for READY Track 1.
- Find out what makes a strong application and check your eligibility.
- Learn about the benefits of the training and how you can apply the knowledge gained in your daily work.
- Explore the types of field projects you can develop and implement.
- Gain insights into the training structure and phases.
- Discover the commitment required and what you need to bring to the training.
Don’t miss this chance to be part of a network of cultural heritage first aiders, disaster risk specialists, civil protection personnel, emergency responders, and cultural bearers, working together to protect heritage in the face of disasters, conflicts, and extreme weather events.
Join us on 27 March 2025 at 15:00 CET on Zoom! Register here