A one-week summer professional development program in Rome, with Dr. Chris Jasparro - expert on the protection of cultural heritage in war and international competition.
Rome, Italy, July 14-18, 2025 The program will meet daily from Monday to Friday
This course is open to all interested parties and assumes no prior knowledge of the field. It is likely to benefit individuals working in, or aspiring to work in, cultural heritage, heritage administration, museums, archaeology, law enforcement, military, intelligence, civil service and diplomacy.
The destruction, looting, (re)construction, and manipulation of tangible cultural heritage has become and important dimension of hybrid warfare and geopolitical competition in the 21st century. This course offers a comprehensive introduction to the complex problem of cultural heritage in conflict and competition. It will provide an global and conceptual overview of the subject, case studies from on-going conflicts including Europe, Africa, Asia and the Indian Ocean.
The course will also cover how war and competition impact cultural heritage, the motives of various actors involved, and approaches to cultural property from destruction and exploitation.
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