One of the most important tools for retrieving bibliographic information on cultural heritage conservation has relaunched on a new platform. Offering access to more than 260 000 references from several leading institutions, the upgraded Bibliographic Database of the Conservation Information Network (BCIN) is easier to search and comes with the features users expect from modern online library catalogues.

The new look BCIN is a collaboration between ICCROM, the Canadian Conservation Institute, the Getty Conservation Institute and ICOMOS – four of the partners responsible for developing the original database in 1987 – and retains most of the existing records, which contributing institutions previously had to upload directly. The new platform streamlines this process by using the latest VuFind technology to browse their respective library catalogues simultaneously, meaning the database updates in real time as new resources are added.

Plans are afoot to expand the network as well, with the same four institutions that comprise the current BCIN membership looking to attract new partners and grow the number of references available to users. As it stands, the database already encompasses a wealth of materials, including:

  • books, published and unpublished monographs and serials
  • journal articles
  • monographic analytics
  • conference proceedings
  • technical reports and theses
  • audio visual materials
  • software and machine-readable files

BCIN search results

Over the years, museum and heritage professionals, conservators and researchers have come to rely upon the BCIN to help them find relevant literature on conserving, preserving, and restoring all kinds of cultural heritage. With the start of this new chapter, a story that began nearly four decades ago is set to continue for many more.

    Search the new BCIN now
    Read a short history on how this important tool was developed
    Email library@iccrom.org if you would like more information.