Exterior and interior of a flood affected heritage building. Source: Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK-IRPA)
In the aftermath of devastating floods in Central Europe, ICCROM has joined hands with its long-standing partner, Royal…
Much has already been written about 2020, a year unlike any in living memory. Of course, the advent of the global pandemic was the dominant story, testing the resilience of nations confronted with the sudden loss of lives and livelihoods, and…
The G20 Culture summit was held on 29-30 July in Rome, hosted in the evocative settings of the Colosseum and Palazzo Barberini under the Italian G20 presidency. The two-day event led to the adoption of the Rome Declaration of the G20 Culture…
A year like no other: ICCROM 2020 Annual Report released
2020 was defined as much by hope as it was by hardship – a dichotomy we have chosen to reflect in the design of our Annual Report.
The Report provides an overview of…
On 26 July 2021, ICCROM organized an online information meeting to mark the start of training being delivered within the framework of the Capacity Building for Holistic, Sustainable and Resilient Heritage Recovery of Mosul project, in…
'Porta d'Europa' ('Gateway to Europe') is a monument on Lampedusa dedicated to the migrants who cross to the island from North Africa.
Director-General Webber Ndoro visited the Italian island of Lampedusa last month for a day-long…
Resource of the Month
Alternating with the Archives each month, this section features special items from the ICCROM Library, giving an insight into the varied resources of this important collection.
After nearly one and a half years of pandemic, many of us desire to…
ICCROM Heritage Samples Archives Initiative
Do you have a material sample collection you would like to showcase? Do you want to share with others the research…
This year, ICCROM celebrates the 10th anniversary of the RE-ORG method, an innovative approach to reorganizing overcrowded museum storage.
For the many museums facing similar situations, the task may seem daunting. This seminar will…
Online Workshop
Start date: 15 November 2021
End date: 19 November 2021
Follow-up projects - implementation by the participants
Start Date: 25 November 2021
End Date: 30 May 2022
Online Conference
October 2022 (dates to be…
Torrential rains have led to devastating floods in the Henan province and its capital city, Zhengzhou in the People’s Republic of China. The Director-General and staff of ICCROM extend their deepest condolences to the Government and People of China…
Would you consider a popular TikTok trend, such as the Jerusalema dance challenge, digital heritage?
How about an infamous Vine video, often now only found in YouTube compilations?
Or what about tweets and memes referring to the death of…
Site Managers call for inclusive and place-based management approaches
The fourth edition of the World Heritage Site Managers’ Forum hosted by the People’s Republic of China was held online from 7 to 13 July 2021, in conjunction with the extended…
Heritage can represent a valuable resource for living together peacefully and building prosperous, sustainable futures. However, it can also find itself in the midst of serious conflicts. As such, the role of heritage in the pursuit of peace…
In view of the flooding that is devastating north-western Europe, the Director-General and staff of ICCROM wish to extend their condolences to the governments and people of Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Switzerland, and Austria.…
« L’Afrique n’a pas seulement été le berceau de l’humanité, elle fut et reste un espace d’invention et de créativité où l’homme, à partir de ses capacités exceptionnelles d’observation, a su comprendre son milieu et inventer, au quotidien,…
Fecha: 23/09/2021 Hora: 16.00 (Roma, Italia) Ubicación: en línea
El robo, el saqueo, la importación y la exportación ilícita de bienes culturales son crímenes que afectan a nuestra sociedad en su conjunto. La desaparición de…
On Friday 2 July 2021, Director-General Webber Ndoro was honoured to meet with H.E. Hassan Nadhim, Minister of Culture in Iraq, and Mr Zaid Al-Ani, First Secretary of the Embassy of Iraq in Rome. Zaki Aslan, Director, ICCROM-Sharjah Regional…
On the occasion, the Arabic translation of ICCROM’s pioneering resource on First Aid to Cultural Heritage is launched
ICCROM today welcomed the Executive Director of the ALIPH Foundation, Valéry Freeland, to our headquarters in Rome,…
Resource of the Month
You may remember our Resource of the Month for May was dedicated to the Tomb of Nefertari (Valley of the Queens, Luxor, Egypt) and to archival material, including paper records, photographs and material samples, from several missions…
The renowned Finnish architect and urban planner is a leading mind in heritage conservation and theory. He sat down with ICCROM’s Rohit Jigyasu for a thought-provoking discussion revolving around the universal nature of conservation…
ICCROM is very pleased to announce the launch of the Mora Samples Collection catalogue as an open access research resource.
The Mora samples collection is an extraordinary scientific scholarly resource comprising over 1 200 material samples…
Catherine Antomarchi was awarded the prestigious ICOM-CC medal for her contribution to the conservation of cultural property, at the nineteenth ICOM-CC Virtual Triennial Conference hosted in Beijing in May 2021. For more than 35 years,…
It was in the spirit of working together that ICCROM welcomed representatives from 29 Member States and Permanent Observer in Europe and North America to our first regionally focused information session, held virtually on 22 June 2021.
ICCROM, IUCN, ICOMOS and the UNESCO World Heritage Centre are collaborating together to produce the upcoming Guidance for World Heritage Impact Assessment. We are currently working on finalizing the document and improving the diagrams and…