International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property

Joint ICOMOS-ICCROM mission to Ukraine

ICOMOS and ICCROM undertook a joint mission to Ukraine from 9 to 16 July 2022 in order to provide support to the efforts made by the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, as well as heritage organisations and professionals in the country, in the current conflict situation. The purpose of the mission was to assess the damage caused to cultural heritage, to identify immediate needs, and to offer technical assistance for the preparation of a systematic and coordinated national strategy for first aid interventions and recovery planning of cultural heritage.
 Joint ICOMOS-ICCROM mission to Ukraine

Joint ICOMOS-ICCROM mission to Ukraine

ICOMOS and ICCROM undertook a joint mission to Ukraine from 9 to 16 July 2022 in order to provide support to the efforts made by the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, as well as heritage organisations and professionals in the country, in the current conflict situation. The purpose of the mission was to assess the damage caused to cultural heritage, to identify immediate needs...

Preventing Fires at Heritage Places

Preventing Fires at Heritage Places

As heritage professionals, how many of us engage with fire risk specialists? Considering the high risk of fire and its devastating permanent damage, how can heritage institutions change their approach to fire risk management?

Net Zero: Heritage for Climate Action | Planning for Phase 1

Net Zero: Heritage for Climate Action | Planning for Phase 1

The First Aid and Resilience for Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis (FAR) programme of ICCROM is excited to host a curriculum design workshop for its ongoing capacity development project – “Net Zero: Heritage for Climate Action.” The two-day workshop will take place 20-21 June 2022.

ASOC in French

“A Story of Change” now available in French

This publication hopes to inspire and engage new cultural first aiders worldwide to undertake similar action, furthering innovative approaches in the field of heritage conservation and encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration, leading to increased understanding of the role that cultural heritage plays in alleviating multi-hazard scenarios, climate change and conflict. Translating A Story of...

ICCROM sets the standard with ISO

ICCROM sets the standard with ISO

Standardizing emergency preparedness and response for cultural heritage is one of the key strategies for strengthening the accountability of the heritage sector during crises. Taking a leap forward in this direction, ICCROM is pleased to share the International Standards Organization (ISO) is using our publications to create the standard, “On Information and Documentation – Emergency Preparedness...

FAR in Action

Connecting people and heritage for peace and resilience – FAR in action

Watch this video to learn more about how the First Aid and Resilience for Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis (FAR) programme of ICCROM integrates culture into the wider programmes for disaster risk reduction, peacebuilding, humanitarian aid and climate action.

PATH - Peacebuilding Assessment Tool for Heritage Recovery and Rehabilitation now available in Arabic!

PATH - Peacebuilding Assessment Tool for Heritage Recovery and Rehabilitation now available in Arabic!

What role does heritage play in increasing tensions during an ongoing conflict? How do we ensure that protection and recovery of heritage in conflict settings can contribute to lasting peace? PATH, the peacebuilding assessment tool developed by ICCROM’s FAR programme helps heritage as well as peace, humanitarian aid and development organizations to assess, design and reorient heritage...

Protecting endangered heritage in Ukraine

Protecting endangered heritage in Ukraine

Workshop on Post-Event Damage and Risk Assessment for Cultural Heritage - ICCROM through its flagship programme on First Aid and Resilience for Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis (FAR), in partnership with the Maidan Museum and the Heritage Emergency Response Initiative (HERI), organized a two-day online workshop on developing a collaborative damage and risk assessment methodology for heritage...

Evacuation manual

UNESCO and ICCROM join forces with the Maidan Museum of Kyiv to support Ukraine’s museums

UNESCO, ICCROM and the Maidan Museum in Kyiv (Ukraine) have translated the manual Endangered Heritage: Emergency Evacuation of Heritage Collections (Спадщина у небезпеці – Екстрена евакуація культурних цінностей), into Ukrainian. UNESCO will support the distribution of some 2,000 printed copies across Ukraine, to areas with no or limited internet access.