International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property
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Myanmar after the earthquake

ICCROM supports Myanmar after the earthquake

crisis map

Crowdmap for heritage in the Italy earthquake

iccrom iucn1

World Heritage Leadership Project signed with IUCN


Japanese Paper Conservation course begins

Earthquakes in Italy and Myanmar

Library now offering new online resources

Framework agreement between ICCROM and IRCICA

Visit: Agency for Cultural Affairs, Japan

Visit: Agency for Cultural Affairs, Japan

On 27 July, the Director-General received the visit of Ryohei Miyata, Commissioner for cultural affairs, Agency for Cultural Affairs, Rio Higuchi, Senior Specialist for the International Cooperation on Cultural Properties, Fine arts Division, ACA and Urara Nakajima, Secretary to the Commissioner.

Sculpture Exhibit – Commissioner for Cultural Affairs, Japan

Protect Cultural Heritag

Protecting Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis