More than 55 000 museums exist in the world, and typically 90% of their objects are in storage rooms. As collections grow, financial resources continue to dwindle, leaving museums struggling to ensure that their treasures in storage are adequately looked after and accessible.
RE-ORG is a method developed by ICCROM and the Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) that responds directly to this issue. In over nearly a decade, RE-ORG has been applied to more than 100 museums all over the world via hands-on workshops, mentor sessions and online training.
This field-tested methodology has now been captured in a four-part kit, which walks you through the process of transforming your museum’s storage area, so you can regain control of your collection.
Available in several languages thanks to partnerships, the RE-ORG kit contains:
- A simple, flexible structure that is easy to navigate
- Tons of tips and tricks to optimize space, equipment, time and money, collected over the years from the many colleagues who have applied RE-ORG around the world
- A visually-appealing and user-friendly layout
- All of the essentials:
- a Workbook with step-by-step instructions that will apply to almost any project;
- Worksheets and templates to help capture the existing situation;
- Additional Resources to meet your specific needs and interests; and
- a Self-Evaluation tool to help you diagnose the situation of your storage in a glance.
Download the entire kit here or individual files on our resource page.
Try it on your own! Use the RE-ORG Method to reorganize your collections in storage or to provide advice to others.