We are seeking 25 participants for the international online course ‘Integrating DRM into World Heritage management’, held in English in six online sessions from 5 to 16 May 2025. Course sessions will take place on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (10.00-13.00 CET).
This course addresses the challenges and opportunities for building resilience of World Heritage properties through disaster risk management (DRM). Recognizing DRM as an integral component of the effective management of World Heritage properties and other heritage places, the course emphasizes its integration into wider heritage management systems.
DRM is a key component for the integrated conservation and management of nature and culture within heritage places. For World Heritage properties, it is essential to incorporate DRM into policies and management strategies for heritage, including a thorough understanding of their larger contexts. The course will address mitigation, adaptation and preparedness strategies to reduce disaster risks. Due to the exacerbating impact of climate-related hazards, discussions will focus on linking DRM with climate action at the property level.
In line with the content being developed within World Heritage Leadership Programme, the course content and structure are based on the forthcoming resource manuals on "Managing Word Heritage", "Managing Disaster Risk and Building Resilience for World Heritage" and the “Climate Action Toolkit for World Heritage”.
Why is this course needed?
Heritage places worldwide face growing disasters from natural hazards, like flooding, earthquakes and fires, as well as human actions such as tourism, economic development and urban expansion, pressures intensified by environmental change. Post-disaster recovery is often challenging, with some damage irreversible. Proactive DRM strategies and measures could help reduce risks to heritage.
At the end of the course, participants will:
- Understand the basics of management system for World Heritage by adopting place-based approach based on the values and attributes of the heritage place and an understanding of its wider contexts, which influences in determining disaster risks and developing disaster risk reduction measures;
- Understand how disaster risk management is a crucial component of policies and management strategies for heritage places and their larger contexts;
- Be able to analyze risk determinants related to disasters, including those caused by climate change;
- Be able to integrate disaster risk management with wider climate action strategies in the overall management system by planning, adopting and implementing appropriate adaptation, mitigation, and preparedness measures.
What is the content of the course?
The course will cover the following topics:
- Heritage Place approach to heritage management
- Values and attributes of heritage places
- Introduction to disaster risk management and its relationship with the wider heritage management framework
- Linking DRM with wider climate action strategies
- Disaster risk determinants affecting heritage places and their causes
- Identifying risk determinants and cause-effect relationships
- Disaster risk assessment methodology for World Heritage
- Elaborating disaster risk scenarios
- DRM governance
- Mitigation, adaptation and preparedness measures
- Preparing DRM-related action plans and developing a monitoring system
The course will serve as a platform for participants to share their knowledge and experiences on disaster impacts and existing disaster risks on their heritage places. The course will guide participants in developing heritage management actions that consider multiple risk factors, including climate change from the wider setting, for risk mitigation, adaptation and preparedness of heritage places, in particular World Heritage properties.
Who is the course for?
This course specifically targets:
- practitioners working at a specific cultural or natural World Heritage property, or other heritage place;
- individuals working in institutions with responsibilities related to managing World Heritage properties and/or other heritage places;
- individuals working with institutions with responsibilities related to disaster management, climate action and civil defense; and
- individuals involved more generally in World Heritage conservation and management (for example, those working in heritage at a regional or national level, policymakers and other representatives of institutions, non-governmental organizations, charities, local associations, community groups, etc.).
Applications are open to professionals worldwide.
Course schedule and programme
The course will take place in English and will be fully implemented online.
Introductory resources will be made available to participants as asynchronous learning materials on the new ICCROM e-learning platform, divided into six learning modules. Each online module will be complemented by a live online session, where theoretical presentations and additional case studies will be shared, and participants will be asked to reflect on their heritage places and World Heritage sites through exercises and discussions.
Live sessions on Zoom will take place on the following dates:
- Monday, 5 May 2025
- Wednesday, 7 May 2025
- Friday, 9 May 2025
- Monday, 12 May 2025
- Wednesday, 14 May 2025
- Friday, 16 May 2025
Participants will be required to contribute actively during the three-hour online sessions from 10.00 to 13.00 CET.
How to apply for the DRM25 course
Please submit your application by 13 April 2025.
Complete the online application form in English, including:
- a short brief about the case study you intend to use during the course
- a personal photo
- a brief version of your professional curriculum vitae highlighting your most relevant experience (in English; maximum two pages)
- the official endorsement of your institution, which confirms that you have the support of your workplace for taking the time to complete the entire course.
Allowed formats: pdf, doc, docx, jpg, jpeg, png, tif, tiff; maximum file size 5 MB.
If you encounter any issues submitting your application via the ICCROM website, please email us at: whl@iccrom.org.