Standing at a brand new starting point in 2025, Global Awards for World Heritage Education Innovative Cases (AWHEIC) evolves through network emergence effect, transitioning from a pioneer to an innovation incubator.

Our goal is to build an international cooperation and exchange platform featuring co-construction and sharing, focusing on the innovation of the world heritage education model, for the creators & innovators of world heritage education around the world.

Application Requirements

The case studies must be educational activities organized by or for cultural/natural heritage sites at a broader level beyond World Heritage. There is no restriction on the types of heritages which are promoted and intangible features are included.

●The case-study proposal should have been implemented in the last five years or be ongoing and have achieved tangible results.

●There is no restriction on advocaters who developed and implemented the education program (local communities and indigenous people) and the target audience or groups the education program is developed for.

● Proposed case studies should be innovative and exemplary in concepts, contents forms or models. Particular attention will be given to the advocaters who design and lead the project and the replicability of the model of the case.

●The working language of AWHEIC is English, and we offer application forms in English, French, Spanish and Chinese. The application form is preferred to be submitted in English, and all cases from China must be accompanied by a Chinese version.The AWHEIC team will provide necessary filing assistance for cases from special regions.

Assessment Criteria

Key Criteria of AWHEIC is innovation of concepts,approaches and models of heritage education cases which can be divided into 5 sub-criteria based on SCEIT Model.

●Embracing Science: Exploring new methods or models, by innovatively utilizing modern or traditional science and technology, which lead to better exploration, interpretation and dissemination of heritage values.

●Creativity Inspiring: Exploring new heritage education ideas or approaches in light of local context by creativity, which expand or strengthen innovative interactions between people and heritage.

●Empowering Sustainability: Tap the potential of heritage from different perspectives by innovation, empowering the comprehensively sustainable development of heritage sites.

●Social Inclusion: Innovatively promoting the communication and integration of different social groups, which leads to the inclusive development of local communities.

●Transboundary Cooperation: Exploring innovative mechanism and models of transboundary cooperation at local, regional or international level, enhancing the synergy of different parties related to heritage.

AWHEIC’s Mission

The age of intelligence is coming, the emergence of transboundary innovative models convinces us that an all-round systemic change in World Heritage education is approaching.

AWHEIC’s mission is to build an international platform focusing on the innovation of WH education models, and to provide a reference for global innovators to promote the development of WH education.

As a new species born with network gene facing to the science and innovation era, AWHEIC calls on innovators to share a common mission together, empower each other to embrace a new era by cooperation.

We are striving to be the primrose of WH embracing the era of science and innovation.

AWHEIC’s Objective

Our top priority is to deeply explore the values of WH by integration of science and creativity. We will sketch a panorama of the latest WH education model innovation and provide a reference for future action.

The 2024 AWHEIC was a great success, with nearly 100 cases received from around the world. 30 winning cases (10 Stars of Outstanding, 10 Stars of Discovery, and 10 Stars of the Future) were selected and awarded with certificates and other opportunities.

In order to better present and share the winning cases globally, we have elaborately produced a promotional film and brochure for the winning cases, and organized international sharing sessions, which were highly appreciated by all parties.

Our Network

Based on more than 300 best cases from 5 continents, we have established an all-value chain and transboundary network of WH education. AWHEIC grow fast and is becoming the most influential global awards in WH education area.

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