The Art Conservation Internship provides an opportunity to work alongside conservation specialists, gaining hands-on experience in the preservation and conservation treatment of objects in MOWAA’s collections. Interns will assist with condition assessments, preventive conservation measures, and research on materials and techniques.
The Exhibition Coordination Internship offers a unique opportunity to develop practical skills in organising and delivering museum exhibitions. This internship provides valuable insight into the logistics, research, and creative processes involved in producing engaging and thought-provoking exhibitions.
The Development Internship at MOWAA offers a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in administrative tasks related to strategic fundraising efforts that help drive the museum’s mission. This internship is ideal for individuals looking to develop skills in non-profit development, arts administration, and cultural philanthropy.
The Education & Public Practice Internship offers an exciting opportunity to gain hands-on experience in developing and delivering educational programs, public events, and outreach initiatives that make art and culture more inclusive and engaging for diverse audiences.
The internship is open to nationals from any West African country currently residing in Nigeria. However concessions may be made in exceptional cases.
- Degree or certificate from a reputable institution globally
- Recent graduates (0–3 years post-graduation)
- Early career professionals (less than 3 years’ experience)
- NYSC members with backgrounds in social science, art and humanities or with exceptional CVs in other fields
Interested candidates should apply via the form here:
For any questions, please contact
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