We are excited to invite you to our upcoming six-day immersive seminar on the conservation of Thangka and Paubha art, taking place in Boudha, Kathmandu, Nepal, September 14-19 2025. Designed for conservators, museum professionals, artists, collectors, students, and cultural heritage specialists, this unique program explores both traditional and contemporary creation and conservation techniques.

Who Should Attend?

  • Art conservators & museum professionals seeking experience and conservation techniques
  • Artists & cultural enthusiasts wanting to deepen their knowledge of Thangka and Paubha , both traditional and contemporary
  • Academics & historians exploring the significance of Himalayan sacred art in the heart of Nepal

Program Highlights:

Expert-Led Presentations: Learn from renowned specialists in Thangka and Paubha conservation, and connect with local and international scholars
Guided Site Visits: Rare and unique visits to monasteries, museums, artist studios and communities where these sacred artworks are created and in use everyday.

If you have questions contact us at thangkaconservationseminar@gmail.com.

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