The Fondation des sciences du patrimoine will organise on 19 February 2025 an online workshop called “European Partnership for Resilient Cultural Heritage: New Opportunities for International Cooperation – Asia and Oceania” within the framework of the Horizon Europe-funded ARCHE project (Alliance for Research on Cultural Heritage in Europe).
This workshop is the third in a series of six events dedicated to the Member States, Associated Countries and Third Countries and will engage with countries from Asia and Oceania. It aims to build a worldwide network of partners willing to engage with the future European Partnership for Resilient Cultural Heritage (RCH) based on the Horizon Europe Framework Programme strategy to encourage international cooperation.
The workshop’s objective is to reach a large number of committed partners from Associated Countries and Third Countries. The event will present the preliminary version of the ARCHE Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) and the European Partnership for Resilient Cultural Heritage, discuss cultural research & innovation policies and agendas in countries from Asia and Oceania.
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