Strategy is considered to be the queen of the managerial disciplines and a key success factor in all areas of human activity. In this respect, there are numerous examples of how a successful strategy can lead to success, even in cases where resources are limited and are not overwhelmingly superior to those of competitors. 

This 3-day interactive course aims to provide the tools and methodologies to effectively address the topics of successful strategy formulation and implementation in organisations managing cultural heritage in the contemporary complex environment. At the end of the course, participants will be empowered to use methods and tools of strategic analysis to devise and evaluate alternative strategic choices, while they will comprehend the demands of a strategy implementation project. 

The workshop’s instructor, Alexandros Papalexandris, is an Assistant Professor at the Athens University of Economics and Business and a former senior consultant at Deloitte, while he has more than 15 years’ research and consulting experience in the areas of strategy development and implementation. 

Only scholarship holders are accepted to this workshop. Scholarships cover the majority of the tuition fees, except for participants’ contribution. For details, contact us at 

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