On 27 January 2025, UNESCO will host a regional dialogue in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on return and restitution in Africa. The major gathering will examine the new forms of agreements and partnerships regarding requests for return and restitution of cultural property, as well as scientific or cultural cooperation established in this context. 

Bringing together a wide range of stakeholders from the African continent, a number of recent resolved cases of return and restitution will be presented. Innovative examples of effective partnerships as well as evolving forms of international cooperation will also be introduced. The event will bring together technical experts from Africa, as well as selected international experts, thereby strengthening ties between professionals and institutions in charge of these issues and providing concrete elements for decision-makers in their approach on the requests for the return and restitution of cultural property. 

This event will provide UNESCO Member States with an overview of new types of inter-institutional and inter-state agreements, as well as diverse initiatives including the creation of national committees responsible for the return and restitution. It will also be an opportunity to take stock of recent developments in museums and cultural institutions regarding the evolution of return and restitution and to discuss specific challenges. 

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