This virtual seminar will explore current work on the scientific identification of the inks and pigments used in medieval texts, and on the cultural implications of the newest findings. It will also consider the challenge of recovering erased texts, taking a particularly difficult and intriguing eighth-century ‘palimpsest’ as a case study.
Participants can order the Archetype title ‘The Pigments of British Medieval Illuminators‘ with £15 off the retail price. The discount code is sent after registering for the seminar.
Richard Gameson is professor of the history of the book at Durham University. He has published more than 100 studies of medieval manuscripts, art, and libraries. His most recent book is The Pigments of British Medieval Illuminators: a scientific and cultural study (London: Archetype, 2023). Written in collaboration with chemist colleagues, this is the first account of its field and the first comprehensive survey of illuminators’ pigments for any western country.
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