This two-session virtual course (Tuesday 1 and Wednesday 2 October) focusses on identifying the insect pests that may be found in collections of objects in museums and galleries, historic houses etc. Such insects may well have been observed and recorded on insect pest traps in the context of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programme.

In addition to discussions on identifying common insect pests, participants will learn of new pests and possible future problems. There will be ample opportunity to discuss particular issues or problems experienced by participants. The focus will be on European pests but there will also be mention of USA species and termites.

Participants who have experience of IPM will benefit most from this course and everyone will be encouraged to send in images of insects which they wish to identify/confirm either before the course or before the second day of the course.


David Pinniger is an entomologist and international pest management consultant. He has worked with IAP in offering short courses on IPM and Insect Identification since 1984.

Jane Thompson Webb is the Conservation Team Leader at Birmingham Museums Trust, chairs the ICON Care of Collections Group and has taught courses with IAP since 2008.

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