The National Trust is delighted to announce this Symposium, as part of the ‘A la Ronde: Conserving the Past, Creating the Future’ Project.

Intended to forge new bonds with researchers and academic professionals, find synergies with similar projects and properties, and to share stories and discoveries from our recent conservation work in a broader context, the Symposium will be offered in hybrid form, with presentations both in-person and online. We are looking forward to hearing from a wide range of speakers.

With speakers including the following and coffee, tea, and lunch provided it is an event not to be missed: Professor Daniel Maudlin, University of Plymouth. ‘Making Cottages: Rural Retreat and the Appropriation of the Vernacular in the C18th’

Nicola Shreeve, National Trust. 'The technical investigation and conservation of the octagonal chairs from A la Ronde'

Dr Kyriaki Hadjiafxendi 'The Eventfulness of Nature: women and the seashore in the long nineteenth century'

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