CHARTER Alliance, in partnership with Erasmus University Rotterdam and the Dutch Heritage Agency, is pleased to invite you to CHARTER’s Open Day in the Netherlands, under the theme: “CHARTER’s Proposals for a Future-proof Heritage Sector”, taking place on 19 June 2024 at Erasmus University Rotterdam Campus Woudestein.

Being in its final year, CHARTER will present its preliminary findings and recommendations to the public and enter a dialogue on what is needed for a future proof heritage sector. In the morning, during two plenary sessions, attention will focus on two contemporary challenges that the sector faces. First, climate change and the future of heritage, and second a future-proof perspective on vocational training and education.

In the afternoon participatory workshops, led by experts, will give room to a more in-depth discussion to delve on some specific themes: How to attract and maintain a diverse workforce in cultural heritage? How to incorporate embodied knowledge in education programs? How to prepare cultural heritage for the risks of climate change? How to recognize informal skills? Participatory governance: reality or utopia? Can we assess the social and economic impacts of heritage?

Join us to discover CHARTER’s recommendations for the heritage sector and to discuss the main challenges addressed by them!

Register by 10 June 2024 to save your spot!

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