The symposium is organized by George Town World Heritage Incorporated and will take place in George Town, Penang, Malaysia, from 1 to 5 March 2024. 

"We Are Site Managers" International Symposium is designed to be the platform for World Heritage Site Managers to define the roles, responsibilities, and functions of Site Managers. We also hope to discuss the Site Managers’ needs and challenges and debate the opportunities and limitations faced. It is hoped that the symposium will promote international awareness and appreciation of Site Managers as front liners in the implementation of the 1972 World Heritage Convention.

We are now in the process of Calling for Speakers. Individuals who currently/used to serve as UNESCO World Heritage Site Managers are welcome to submit their 500-word abstract on the listed themes by 30 September 2023.


Among the themes to be discussed are as follows:

  • Institutional of the Site Managers
  • Serve/d at An Endangered Site
  • Site Managers and the World Heritage System
  • Site Managers and the Operational Guidelines
  • Politics of World Heritage Site
  • I was a Site Manager
  • Or any other themes of your interest

Selected speakers are required to submit a full paper (not more than 2000 words) by 31 December 2023 and deliver a 20-minute presentation during the symposium in March 2024.

The full papers of all speakers will be published in the “We Are Site Managers” publication.

To submit an abstract, please click on the following link:

Important Dates

  • Open Call for Speakers: 24 July 2023
  • Abstract submission deadline: 30 September 2023
  • Announcement of Speakers: 1 November 2023
  • Full paper submission deadline: 1 January 2024

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