The University of Gothenburg tackles society’s challenges with diverse knowledge. 56 000 students and 6 600 employees make the university a large and inspiring place to work and study. Strong research and attractive study programmes attract scientists and students from around the world. With new knowledge and new perspectives, the University contributes to a better future.

“Kulturvård” is the art to preserve, develop and in a sustainable way use material and immaterial “objects” from the past. As a discipline “kulturvård” on the one hand studies conditions for the survival of these object from cultural, societal, scientific and crafts perspectives, on the other hand, studies the social and cultural processes which lead to a situation where specific "objects" are considered as heritage. The term “object” is here used generically and comprises all kinds of material and immaterial phenomena.

The Department of Conservation offer master’s and bachelor’s degrees in the integrated conservation of built environments and the conservation of cultural heritage objects, in addition to bachelor’s programs in building crafts, and garden and landscape crafts. Our research is focused on the built environments, cultural heritage objects, and craftsmanship for sustainable conservation. We use critical perspectives and participatory approaches to develop skills and models of maintenance, restoration, reuse, adaptation, and reconstruction of tangible and intangible cultural heritage resources. We collaborate with universities and other organisations at the local, national, and international levels, and this has been supported by the strategic location of the Department in Gothenburg and Mariestad.

As a doctoral student at the Department of Conservation your main task is to develop and carry out a research project in textile conservation. You will work with a group of researchers and teachers specialised in the conservation of cultural heritage objects also responsible for a bachelor's and a master's program in the conservation of cultural heritage objects. As a doctoral student you will collaborate with scholars of other subjects and topics that range from craft sciences to the management of heritage.

The doctoral study program at the Department of Conservation consists of four years of full-time study. The announced position, however, is planned for five years, divided into 80 per cent doctoral education and 20 per cent other teaching tasks. During the five years, you are expected to develop and follow an individual study plan (ISP) with a supervisor, complete formal coursework, actively conduct your PhD thesis works, and present your research findings at formal seminars at the Department of Conservation. You are also expected to participate in conferences, workshops, and seminars as well as publish research findings in scientific journals and / or books.


To meet the specific entry requirements for third-cycle studies, applicants must: (i) have a second cycle (advanced-level) degree in the subject area conservation, or (ii) have completed studies for at least 60 higher education credits at a second-cycle level in the subject area conservation, or (iii) have completed a corresponding programme of relevance to the planned third-cycle programme, in Sweden or in another country, or have equivalent qualifications. While the Swedish language is not a pre-requisite, applicants should prove an acceptable command of spoken and written English.

Regulations for the evaluation of qualifications for education on a doctoral level are given in SFS 1998:80. The main criteria for assessment is the applicant’s ability to benefit from third level education. The job assignment requires a background and experience in textile conservation and its development. This should be clearly explained and demonstrated in the application’s documents. Documented professional experiences in textile conservation and other related fields as well as ability to work in a research group will be considered as merits in the assessment process.


  • Type of employment: Fixed-term employment, 5 years
  • Extent: 100 % including teaching 20%
  • Location: Department of Conservation, Gothenburg (UGOT)

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