The CollAsia Field Projects 2021-2022 are part of CollAsia's first grant scheme under the patronage of the Cultural Heritage Administration of the Republic of Korea (CHA), awarded to former CollAsia participants affiliated with collections-based institutions in the Asia-Pacific region. This grant aims to enable institutions to implement innovative projects that address three main criteria – collections, conservation and communities – while strengthening and showcasing Asia-Pacific’s rich and diverse heritage.
The volume of applicants indicates not only former CollAsia participants’ interest but also a growing need for funding local projects. After careful consideration, seven grants were awarded to projects that reflected meaningful engagement between communities and institutions through their collections. The successful applicants include the Bengal Foundation (Bangladesh), the Department of Antiquities of Cambodia, Museum Musik Indonesia, the National Archives Center III of Vietnam, the National Museum of the Philippines, Textile Conservation Studio (India) and the Uganda National Museum. The grantees’ fields vary significantly - from fine arts, textile conservation and music to archaeology and oral history, as well as national museums. The goal is to develop communities’ awareness of local traditions, history and natural heritage while empowering them to explore possible sustainable practices in their area, and highlighting the vital role of conservation.
Some projects focused on encouraging children to engage with arts, culture and heritage. One institution documented, preserved and made accessible a community's music; another documented the ancient technique of making Buddha statues. Another project focused on training women from economically disadvantaged backgrounds in the traditional craft of darning to provide them with a skill to help sustain themselves while reviving this dying art. One project helped bring attention to a hidden chapter of a nation's struggle for freedom and independence with an online exhibition, which also helped reunite grieving families with their loved one's belongings. Despite the challenges posed by COVID-19, these institutions persisted in implementing their projects and paving the way for future initiatives that foster inclusivity and promote local communities’ well-being and sustainable development through collections-based work.
Watch the different projects and download the reports to find out more