Centro Internacional de Estudios de Conservación y Restauración de los Bienes Culturales

Temas destacados

Ambassador of Spain to the Republic of Italy at ICCROM

Visit from Ambassador of Spain

On the 6 March 2023, ICCROM Director-General Dr Webber Ndoro was honoured to welcome the Ambassador of Spain to the Republic of Italy, H.E. Miguel Fernández-Palacios.


Visit from Canadian architecture and conservation students

On 21 February, professor Lyette Fortin and her architecture and conservation students from Carleton University, Canada, visited us at ICCROM headquarters. Professor Fortin spent several months at ICCROM in 1986, participating in one of our foundational courses, the Architectural Conservation Course.

Visit from representatives of the Stati Generali del Patrimonio Italiano

Visit from representatives of the Stati Generali del Patrimonio Italiano

On 16 February 2023, our Director-General Webber Ndoro welcomed representatives of the Stati Generali del Patrimonio Italiano – President Prof. Ivan Drogo Inglese and General Counsel Carlo Magrassi – to ICCROM headquarters. Also present was Dr Iyad Hafez from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Embassy to Italy.

Amb. McCain visit

Ambassador Cindy McCain visits us in Sharjah, UAE

On 11 January, Dr Zaki Aslan, Director of the ICCROM Sharjah Regional Office, met the US Ambassador to the UN Agencies in Rome, Ambassador Cindy McCain, together with a delegation from the United States Mission to the United Nations (USUN), in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Dena Assaf visit

Visit from UN Resident Coordinator for the UAE

We were happy to welcome Dr Dena Assaf, United Nations Resident Coordinator for the United Arab Emirates, to our Regional Office in Sharjah, UAE, on 12 January.

visit Sharjah Jan 11 23

Visit from ICOMOS and Climate Heritage Network at our Regional Office

Dr Zaki Aslan, Director of the ICCROM-Sharjah Regional Office, welcomed Mr Andrew Potts and Ms Haifaa AbdelalHaleem at our Regional Office in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates (UAE). Mr Potts is the coordinator of the Climate Heritage Network and has previously served as ICOMOS Focal Point for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and Ms AbdelalHaleem is an ICOMOS Jordan Heritage...

Visit from Representatives of Azerbaijan

Visit from Representatives of Azerbaijan

On 14 December 2022, ICCROM Director-General Dr Webber Ndoro had the honour of receiving The Head of the State Service for Protection, Development and Restoration of Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr Azad Jafarli and Mr Rustam Bayramov, Second Secretary at the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Italy and Nazrin Mammadova, Head specialist of the...

US visit 1 Dec 2022

Visit from the US Department of State

On 1 December 2022, we were honoured to receive Matthew D. Steinhelfer, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, and Nick O’Neill, Deputy Director (Acting) Western Hemisphere and European Affairs, from the US Department of State Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations; and Sam Rothenberg, Alternate Permanent Representative and Political/Economic Officer, from the US Mission to the United...

Meeting with delegation from Embassy of Colombia

Meeting with delegation from Embassy of Colombia

On Friday, 21 October 2022, ICCROM Director-General Webber Ndoro was honoured to receive Minister Counsellor Juan Camilo Saretzki and Counsellor Nestor Pongutá from the Embassy of Colombia. Also present on behalf of ICCROM were Liaison Officer Anna Zeichner and Programmes Unit Manager Valerie Magar.

Visit from Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus

Visit from Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus

On 20 October 2022, ICCROM Director-General Dr Webber Ndoro welcomed H.E. Yiorgos Christofides, Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus to Italy, to ICCROM headquarters.