Heritage education is important for everyone, at every life stage. Educating children about heritage from an early age is crucial to instilling appreciation and understanding of local and global culture in young, inquisitive minds. For those wanting to enter the professional heritage world, there are heritage conservation and management programmes at educational institutions across the world. Even heritage professionals need heritage education. ICCROM and partners have long organized training programmes to help mid-career professionals continue their lifelong learning. Grassroots organizations have developed programmes for historically marginalized communities to highlight and reinforce these communities’ identities and pride in their culture. Different applications of heritage education – with diverse audiences in varied contexts – have engendered innovative pedagogical approaches.We hold this international webinar to facilitate dialogue and exchange among heritage educators, whom we invite to share valuable lessons learned from their rich experiences.
- Rohit Jigyasu, ICCROM
- Vikramjit Singh Rooprai, Educator, Author and Historian, Founder, Heritageshaala, India
- Luisa Irazú López-Campos, Heritage Education Specialist, Fellow, Royal Academy of Spain, Rome
- Naomi Andrew Haruna, Coordinator, DAAD SDG-Graduate School, University of Maiduguri, Nigeria
- Renata Schneider, Senior Conservator, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Mexico (INAH).
- Muriel Verbeeck, AAP research unit, University of Liège, Belgium, Scientific Editor, CeROArt.
- Neel Kamal Chapagain, Director, Centre for Heritage Management, Ahmedabad University, India
- Dong Wei, UNESCO Chair in Cultural Resource Management, Southeast University Secretariat, UNESCO-ICCROM Asian Academy for Heritage Management
Anne Nyhamar, Senior Advisor, Riksantikvaren, The Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage
Join us on 29 September 2022. Registration is mandatory and FREE.