Centro internazionale di studi
per la conservazione ed il
restauro dei beni culturali

In primo piano

Welcoming a delegation from the Republic of Korea

Welcoming a delegation from the Republic of Korea

On Friday, 14 April, ICCROM welcomed a delegation of 19 officials from the Division of Cultural Heritage of the Gyeongsangbuk-do Provincial Government from the Republic of Korea.

Interns 2023

New faces at ICCROM

We at ICCROM were happy to see many new faces in the first quarter of 2023, with more people than ever working together in our offices in Rome, Italy, and Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.

Ministry of Culture of Italy visits ICCROM headquarters

Ministry of Culture of Italy visits ICCROM headquarters

On 30 March 2023, ICCROM Director-General Webber Ndoro had the honour of meeting with Clemente Contestabile, the Diplomatic Advisor to the Minister of Culture of Italy, who was accompanied by Erminia Sciacchitano, Advisor for Multilateral Affairs, Minister’s Cabinet, and Riccardo Luciani, Member of the Technical Secretariat of the Ministry.

NCHA visit to ICCROM-Sharjah

Visit from the National Cultural Heritage Administration (NCHA) of China

On 29 March, ICCROM-Sharjah Director Zaki Aslan happily received a delegation from the National Cultural Heritage Administration (NCHA) of China at the ICCROM Regional Office in Sharjah, the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Visit from Ambassador of Sudan to Italy 

Visit from Ambassador of Sudan to Italy

On 28 March 2023, ICCROM Director-General Webber Ndoro received HE Sayed Altayeb Ahmed, the new Ambassador of the Republic of Sudan to Italy, at ICCROM headquarters for the presentation of his credentials.

Jopela Albino, Head of Programmes

Visit from African World Heritage Fund

On 21 March 2023, Our Director-General, Webber Ndoro, welcomed Dr Jopela Albino, Head of Programmes at the African World Heritage Fund, to coordinate joint projects on capacity building and sustainable conservation of World Heritage in Africa. The visit was coordinated by Youth.Heritage.Africa programme team.

WHL Steering Committee meets in Rome, 2023

Il Gruppo direttivo di Leadership del Patrimonio Mondiale si riunisce all'ICCROM

Il 2 e 3 marzo 2023, i partner fondatori del programma Leadership del Patrimonio Mondiale (WHL) - l'ICCROM, l'IUCN e il Ministero del Clima e dell'Ambiente norvegese - si sono incontrati a Roma per dare il via alla Fase 2 e dare forma al lavoro futuro sul potenziamento delle capacità nel contesto del Patrimonio Mondiale.

Ambassador of Spain to the Republic of Italy at ICCROM

Visit from Ambassador of Spain

On the 6 March 2023, ICCROM Director-General Dr Webber Ndoro was honoured to welcome the Ambassador of Spain to the Republic of Italy, H.E. Miguel Fernández-Palacios.


Visit from Canadian architecture and conservation students

On 21 February, professor Lyette Fortin and her architecture and conservation students from Carleton University, Canada, visited us at ICCROM headquarters. Professor Fortin spent several months at ICCROM in 1986, participating in one of our foundational courses, the Architectural Conservation Course.

Visit from representatives of the Stati Generali del Patrimonio Italiano

Visit from representatives of the Stati Generali del Patrimonio Italiano

On 16 February 2023, our Director-General Webber Ndoro welcomed representatives of the Stati Generali del Patrimonio Italiano – President Prof. Ivan Drogo Inglese and General Counsel Carlo Magrassi – to ICCROM headquarters. Also present was Dr Iyad Hafez from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Embassy to Italy.