Using a selection of essential texts from the last 30 years, the publication illustrates the key issues and concepts in the field of archaeological mosaic conservation. It begins with a historical and technical overview of the mosaic heritage of the region, with many illustrations, and includes summaries of the key charters and conventions on conservation of cultural heritage. The multilingual glossary contains over 230 terms, 40 of which are also defined in a lexicon.
What key issues and concepts are addressed in the publication?
- Historical and technical overview of the mosaic heritage in the Mediterranean Basin, and introduction to the theory of mosaic conservation (Part 1)
- Planning, management, and decision-making in conservation (Part 2)
- Different approaches and tools for conservation recording and documentation (Part 3)
- Principles and examples of material deterioration and of conservation treatments (Part 4)
- Reburial and protective shelters as preventive conservation measures (Part 5)