International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property


N.B.: General country data and external links have been provided by the Member State. * Uploaded: 06/2020

General Country data

The main cultural assets of Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe has a rich cultural heritage, which spans many millennia. It is home to the famed dry-stone walled settlements, constructed with no binding medium. The largest of these dry-stone walled settlements, Great Zimbabwe, is the source of the country’s name and symbol of the nation. The country has over the years developed a reputation for its conservation philosophy on dry-stone walled heritage places, which is rooted in local knowledge as passed on from generation to generation. In addition, the country is richly endowed with rock art sites found in most parts of the country though there are areas with higher concentrations than others. Rock art in Zimbabwe is either in the form of paintings or petroglyphs. Resistance to colonial rule by the British left an indelible mark on the country and its people that now manifest in liberation heritage.

The legal framework on cultural heritage conservation

Cultural heritage in the country is managed under the National Museums and Monuments Act Cap 25/11. This Act provides protection to a wide array of heritage that include built heritage, rock art, paleontological materials and sites. It also provides for a National Monument status for those heritage properties considered to be of national significance to the country. Other protective mechanisms include the National Gallery Act Cap 25/09, which regulates the establishment of galleries or museums of art while the National Archives of Zimbabwe Act Cap 25/06 provides for the storage and preservation of protected historical records and the declaration and preservation of protected historical records.

The cultural and natural sites on the World Heritage List

The natural and cultural properties of Zimbabwe are represented on the UNESCO World Heritage List with two cultural sites, two natural sites and a cultural landscape. The cultural properties are Great Zimbabwe and Khami, both belonging to the dry-stone walling tradition in Southern Africa between the 12th and 19th century. Mana Pools National Park, Sapi and Chewore Safari Areas with its remarkable concentration of wild animals, including elephants, buffalo, leopards, cheetahs and Nile crocodiles is one of the natural properties. The second one is Mosi-oa-Tunya/Victoria Falls located on the Zambezi River and shared with Zambia. It is one of the most spectacular waterfalls in the world spanning over 2 km and is one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The Matobo Hills Cultural Landscape feature an outstanding collection of rock paintings and continue to provide a strong focus for the local community, which still uses shrines and sacred places closely linked to traditional, social and economic activities in the landscape.

Adhesion to ICCROM

Zimbabwe is a Member State of ICCROM since 19/11/1993


Director-General: Webber Ndoro from 2018 to present.

Mandates in ICCROM Council since 1958:

  • 2000-2003: Godfrey Mahachi
  • 2004-2007: Isaiah Masvaymwando Shumba

ICCROM Staff since 1959: 1

Involvement of Zimbabwean Nationals

Activities in/with Zimbabwe since 2002

Activities details

Activities details

  • 2002 - 2 Mission(s)
  • 2003 - 3 Mission(s)
  • 2005 - 2 Mission(s), 1 Technical assistance(s)
  • 2006 - 1 Mission(s)
  • 2007 - 1 Technical assistance(s)
  • 2012 - 1 Technical assistance(s)
  • 2013 - 1 Mission(s)
  • 2014 - 1 Mission(s)
  • 2018 - 2 Mission(s)
  • 2019 - 2 Mission(s)
  • 2022 - 1 Mission(s)
  • 2023 - 1 Mission(s)
  • 2024 - 2 Mission(s)

External links

Governmental Cultural Institutions

Museums and Cultural Heritage Institutions

* ICCROM reserves the right to moderate the content provided by Member States for country profiles to ensure that they remain within the scope of ICCROM’s mission and pertinent to cultural heritage. However, ICCROM does not take responsibility for the accuracy and validity of the content supplied. The ideas and opinions expressed are those of the Member States.