Centro internazionale di studi
per la conservazione ed il
restauro dei beni culturali
Filtra per regione
A Story of Change 3: Success Stories from the Alliance for Cultural First Aid, Peace and Resilience Project

A Story of Change 3: Success Stories from the Alliance for Cultural First Aid, Peace and Resilience Project

A Story of Change, takes us on-the-ground, where the ICCROM course participants could put theory into action with ALIPH seed grants ranging from USD 2500 to USD 10000. The support provided for 16 initiatives includes first aid protection measures for heritage buildings in Iraq and Yemen, the rescue of archives in Libya, and support for intangible heritage like poems, songs, dances and silversmith traditions in Iraq, South Sudan, and Yemen. These projects reflect the breadth and diversity of cultural heritage in the regions and the strong commitment of a new generation of professionals to protect heritage, foster dialogue and build peace.
The Sustainability Test: A Self-Assessment Tool for Evaluating Digital Sustainability

The Sustainability Test: A Self-Assessment Tool for Evaluating Digital Sustainability

The Sustainability Test: A Self-Assessment Tool for Evaluating Digital Sustainability is a tool for self-assessment intended to help you identify where you are in your sustainability journey. It is ideal for organizations managing digital collections that would like to know if their digital assets would be available over the long- term. This assessment can be completed by one person or, preferably, by a small team. Your team can use the results to help plan your next steps, communicate needs to your leadership or other decision-makers, set annual priorities, choose a project to work on, plan a project, create a funding request and more.
Community-Based Heritage Indicators for Peace: A Tool for Measuring Peace

Community-Based Heritage Indicators for Peace: A Tool for Measuring Peace

Capturing local voices on how they use and regard heritage in peace and conflict is the focus of our newest Tool, Community-Based Heritage Indicators for Peace, developed by ICCROM’s First Aid and Resilience for Cultural Heritage in Times of Crises (FAR) Programme. This resource outlines a step-by-step method for engaging local communities in defining heritage indicators that can help measure peace and social change in conflict-affected settings.
A Story of Change 2

A Story of Change 2

ICCROM and the Cultural Heritage Administration of the Republic of Korea, in collaboration with Escuela Taller Foundation de Filipinas Foundation Inc., Philippines, are pleased to announce the release of the publication, A Story of Change 2 – Transforming Online Learning into Action for Disaster Risk Management of Heritage Collections, now available for free download. 
Guidance and Toolkit for Impact Assessment

Guidance and Toolkit for Impact Assessment in a World Heritage Context

The Guidance and Toolkit for Impact Assessments in a World Heritage Context is the go-to reference that explains the process for achieving these goals. Offering practical tips and tools including checklists and a glossary, it provides a framework for conducting impact assessments for cultural and natural heritage sites.
Climate.Culture.Peace Book of Abstracts

Climate.Culture.Peace Book of Abstracts

Climate.Culture.Peace is a knowledge-building initiative, aimed at exploring the interconnections between culture, climate change, peace and disaster resilience. It includes a 5-day virtual conference and a knowledge portal with a focus on heritage places and institutions, which are threatened by climate-related disasters and/or conflicts driven by environmental stresses. This project is conceived and designed by First Aid and Resilience for Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis (FAR), a flagship programme of ICCROM, which is aimed at protecting cultural heritage from conflicts and disasters. This initiative is generously supported by the British Council’s Cultural Protection Fund (CPF) in partnership with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS).
Climate.Culture.Peace Conference Report

Climate.Culture.Peace Conference Report

This report summarizes the proceedings and findings of the Cilmate.Culture.Peace Conference and analyzes understandings growing out of the conversations held. It underscores the urgency of promoting shifts in the ways we perceive culture, heritage and climate change and take action. 


INTER-COLLECT is an Intergenerational Toolkit for Museum Collections for promoting collections-mediated intergenerational dialogue, based on the following three approaches to communication: Storytelling, Co-creation and Mentoring.
Conversaciones... con FRANÇOISE CHOAY

Conversaciones... con FRANÇOISE CHOAY | Número 10

El último número de Conversaciones... reproduce, con traducciones al español, la introducción del libro de Choay de 2009 Le Patrimoine en questions. Anthologie pour un combat y un capítulo de su obra de 2011 La Terre qui meurt, donde analiza los conceptos de "monumento" y "monumento histórico" y su evolución. Con ello, Choay hace un llamamiento contra la estandarización global y el uso genérico del término "patrimonio", al tiempo que subraya la importancia de la formación de arquitectos y urbanistas. A través de los escritos de Choay, seis estimados autores aplican sus diversas perspectivas geográficas para examinar los retos impuestos por un mundo globalizado y las respuestas que son necesarias para mantener el carácter de nuestras ciudades.