This volume of Conversaciones… is dedicated to a dear former colleague, Herb Stovel (1948-2012). He was a giant in the field of conservation. He played an important role in the preparation of a number of important international documents and his constant support for younger conservation professionals, always encouraging and bringing out the best of them.
Full Issue
Herb Stovel. Editorial
Valerie Magar , Joseph King
Origins and influence of the Nara document on authenticity
Herb Stovel
Orígenes e influencia del Documento de Nara sobre autenticidad
Herb Stovel; Valerie Magar
Questions of authenticity
Jukka Jokilehto
Cuestiones de autenticidad
Jukka Jokilehto; Valerie Magar
Herb Stovel and authenticity in World Heritage conservation practice
Cristina Cameron
Herb Stovel y autenticidad en la práctica de conservación del Patrimonio Mundial
Cristina Cameron; Valerie Magar
Authenticity and the localness of heritage: emerging perceptions at World Heritage sites in Africa
Pascall Taruvinga
Autenticidad y la localidad del patrimonio: percepciones emergentes en sitios de Patrimonio Mundial en África
Pascall Taruvinga; Valerie Magar
Document de Nara: ses acquis et ses limites
Jean-Louis Luxen
Documento de Nara: sus logros y sus límites
Jean-Louis Luxen; Valerie Magar
The Nara document: its achievement and its limits
Jean-Louis Luxen; Valerie Magar
Nara and beyond: implications on risk preparedness, recovery, and heritage management
Rohit Jigyasu
Nara y más allá: implicaciones en la preparación para el riesgo, la recuperación y la gestión del patrimonio
Rohit Jigyasu; Valerie Magar
The Nara document on authenticity (1994)
Varios autores
Document de Nara sur l’authenticité (1994)
Varios autores
Documento de Nara sobre autenticidad (1994)
Varios autores; Valerie Magar, Magdalena Rojas Vences, Gabriela Peñuelas Guerrero
Riga Charter on authenticity and historical reconstruction in relationship to cultural heritage (2000)
ICCROM, Latvian National Commission for UNESCO, State Inspection for Heritage Protection of Latvia
Carta de Riga sobre autenticidad y reconstrucción histórica en relación con el patrimonio cultural (2000)
ICCROM, Latvian National Commission for UNESCO, State Inspection for Heritage Protection of Latvia; Valerie Magar
Bibliografía de Herb Stovel
Valerie Magar, Daniela Sauer
Conversaciones...Descripción y política de la publicación
Conversaciones...Description and policy of the journal