Centro internazionale di studi
per la conservazione ed il
restauro dei beni culturali
FAR Risorse

Rompere le barriere linguistiche

L'accesso alla conoscenza e alle informazioni è fondamentale per le comunità resilienti alle catastrofi, e la lingua può essere una barriera significativa. Per aiutare a rompere tali barriere, il programma FAR sta sviluppando una guida multilingue, strumenti di auto-aiuto, video, giochi interattivi e casi di studio.

Risorse aggiuntive sono disponibili qui 

First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis - Toolkit

First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis - Toolkit

First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis is a two-part publication created for the various actors involved in an emergency. It provides a practical method and a set of ready-to-use tools for securing endangered cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible. The user-friendly workflows help readers to plan and implement coordinated cultural rescue and risk reduction operations that involve local communities, heritage custodians, emergency responders and humanitarians.
First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis

First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis - Handbook

First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis is a two-part publication created for the various actors involved in an emergency. It provides a practical method and a set of ready-to-use tools for securing endangered cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible. The user-friendly workflows help readers to plan and implement coordinated cultural rescue and risk reduction operations that involve local communities, heritage custodians, emergency responders and humanitarians.
Endangered Heritage: Emergency Evacuation of Heritage Collections

Endangered Heritage: Emergency Evacuation of Heritage Collections

Built upon years of experience and real-life situations, this publication offers a field-tested, simple workflow for the emergency evacuation of valuable objects that is easy to replicate in any context.

Other languages are available inside.