The Council of Europe in cooperation with the European Commission, herewith launches a European Heritage Label Sites / the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe – 2025 Call for Project Proposals under the joint action European Heritage Days.
The Call will provide funding (up to EUR 14 500) for a short-term project to be completed no later than 31 March 2026 that demonstrates a strong European Dimension. Priority will be given to projects which are aligned with the 2025 European Heritage Days pan-continental theme of Architectural Heritage and foster, in particular, the New European Bauhaus and sustainable cultural tourism, capacity building and inclusivity.
The main objectives of the Call to European Heritage Label Sites under the European Heritage Days are:
- Encouraging people, in particular young people, to engage with Europe’s cultural heritage and to reinforce a sense of belonging to the European common space.
- Identifying and promoting communities working with heritage in line with European values and with a long-term perspective of collaboration.
- Providing additional funding to European Heritage Label Sites to support the development of their European Heritage Label project.
- Motivating and encouraging European Heritage Label Sites as well as the Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe to participate in the European Heritage Days.
Applications can be submitted in English or in French.
The deadline for submission of project proposals is Wednesday 19 March 2025, midnight CET. Applications shall be submitted to with the subject line “Application EHL sites/CoE Cultural Routes EHD 2025 grant”
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