Join us for the ANCHISE International Symposium— an important milestone of our project, where we will look at the technological solutions developed in the framework of the project. We will present the firsts results, criticalities and observations from our close-to-the-public demonstration. The ANCHISE project is funded by the European Union's HORIZON EUROPE programme.
ANCHISE aims to build a global and comprehensive answer to meet the challenges of effective protection of cultural heritage in Europe, for both antiquities and modern cultural goods, in order to provide sustainable and replicable solutions. Its assumption is that addressing this topic implies a bottom-up process, which will build a global and comprehensive approach at every stage of the analysis.
“Testing Innovative tools for the fight against illicit trafficking of cultural goods in real conditions: Execution of the demonstrations and pilot experimentation”
Register via this link: ANCHISE Symposium | Sweden | April 4
Date : April 4, 2025
Time : 9.00 ΑM – 2.00 PM CET
Venue : Stockholm, Museum of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquities (Mandatory registration) + ONLINE
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