Exciting opportunity to join the Russell-Cotes as a Freelance Exhibition Researcher and Curator for exhibition on The Tempera Revival

We are recruiting a Freelance Exhibition Researcher and Curator for the exhibition The Tempera Revival, scheduled for 2027. This position is generously funded by the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art.

Tempera painting (pigment and egg yolk combined and built up over many layers to create a vivid matte finish) was widely used throughout Western art during the 13th-15th centuries. It fell into disuse following the introduction of oil paint, and its formula and technique were virtually lost.  In Britain, tempera was ‘rediscovered’ during the 19th-20th centuries by artists associated with both the Pre-Raphaelite and Arts and Craft movements.  During the 1930-40s, the Russell-Cotes was strongly linked to the tempera revival movement. The museum’s curator, Norman Silvester (1932-1958), held at least 3 exhibitions of tempera paintings in the 1930s and 1940s and actively collected works by leading proponents of the movement.  The exhibition will bring this fascinating episode of British art history to light using works from our own collection and public and private loans.  The completed exhibition will result in one of the first major retrospective exhibitions of tempera in over twenty years, with opportunities to tour nationally.

How to apply

We look forward to receiving tenders from candidates who are passionate about this exciting project project.

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