We have a very exciting opportunity for a conservation and heritage science technician to work in our labs at Fort Cumberland, Portsmouth on the AHRC Research Infrastructure for Conservation and Heritage Science (RICHeS) programme funded project ‘Creating a national integrated mobile and fixed lab for collections, historic buildings and sites’. The closing date is 2nd February 2025 and the provisional interview date is 11th February 2025.

Fort Cumberland Laboratories provide a national facility for the study of the historic environment through time, delivering applied research and advice to Historic England, the English Heritage Trust through a shared service agreement, and to the wider sector. It holds unique scientific reference collections, an array of equipment and facilities and comprises a multi-disciplinary team of heritage scientists who also deliver teaching and supervision of undergraduate/postgraduate students and manage learning placements for external clients.

We require a Conservation and Heritage Science Technician to develop external access to our laboratory facilities, provide analytical advice, training and support to visiting researchers, conduct analysis and imaging, and support our operations by managing laboratory equipment and resources, and building our client base for the analytical services we provide.

Working primarily with our materials scientists and conservators, you will analyse a wide range of cultural materials, from archaeological and maritime sites, museum collections and historic buildings, including metals, ceramics, organics, stone and polymers. Training will be provided but experience of using chemical analysis, and at least one of the following (SEM-EDS, XRF, XRD, or FTIR spectroscopy), is essential.

You will manage the operation of the laboratories, including overseeing maintenance contracts and routine calibration of equipment, as well as undertaking imaging, analyses, quality assurance and data management in support of Historic England projects and services.

You will play a key role in the delivery of the AHRC Research Infrastructure for Conservation and Heritage Science (RICHeS) programme funded project ‘Creating a national integrated mobile and fixed lab for collections, historic buildings and sites’ working closely with the Collections Access Manager, based at Fort Cumberland, and your counterpart in the English Heritage conservation science team based in Rangers House, London.

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