This seminar looks at the development of new biopolymer hydrogel formulations for conservation cleaning.
For decades, conservator-restorers and conservation scientists have advanced the field of conservation cleaning through the introduction of new techniques and materials aimed at improved specificity and control. Recent trends have focussed on “greener” chemistry, economic sustainability, and varied working properties. Drawing inspiration from traditional foodways, modern food science, haute cuisine, and leading conservation researchers, this presentation will detail efforts to identify new biopolymer hydrogel formulations to meet each of these demands, yielding easy-to-prepare cleaning tools suitable across conservation specialisms.
Matthew Cushman is Conservator in Charge at the Worcester Art Museum (Massachusetts, USA), leading the Museum’s team of conservators. He was previously Conservator of Paintings and Affiliated Assistant Professor at the Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation, where he taught fundamentals of painting conservation and the application of scientific principles in conservation practice. His research interests include novel materials for the cleaning of painted surfaces, structural treatment of easel paintings, and the techniques and materials of early American painting.
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