Disaster and risk management in cultural conservation is essential to protect our heritage from various threats, both natural and man-made. Effective management involves risk assessment, emergency preparedness, and recovery planning to ensure the preservation of cultural assets. By implementing proactive measures and fostering collaboration among conservators, museum professionals, and heritage managers, we can mitigate potential damages and ensure swift recovery. Emphasizing best practices and continuous improvement in disaster and risk management is vital for the enduring protection of our cultural heritage. 

These webinars will explore strategies to protect cultural assets from natural and man-made threats, ensuring their preservation for future generations. Experts will discuss case studies and best practices, emphasizing the importance of proactive measures and collaboration. Whether you're a conservator or museum professional, this webinar will provide valuable knowledge to enhance your disaster and risk management capabilities in cultural conservation. 

All webinars are FREE and will include a Q&A session at the end. Please register using the links provided below (registration is required for each session separately). The sessions will be recorded and available to IIC members only to view on the IIC Community platform.

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