On 5 November, the KB National Library is organising this knowledge session on the safe handling of arsenic in library collections. In recent years, the KB has conducted research into arsenic in its collections and into exposure to arsenic. She is also keen to engage in dialogue with colleagues to exchange knowledge and experience. In addition to various specialists from the KB, guest speaker Alexandra van Kleef of the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (RCE) will also share her knowledge with you.

Date: Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Time: 13.00 – 17.00 hrs
Location: KB National Library in The Hague

Preliminary programme
12.30 pm Walk-in with tea and coffee
13.00 Welcome and introduction at noon
13.15 Health and good employment practices - the KB story
14.05 Hazardous substances in your collection - where does the heritage sector stand?
2.30 p.m. How do we know that we have arsenic in our collection?
14.55 Break-out sessions in which we talk to each other
4.30 p.m. What research questions are still there?
16.50 Looking back on the afternoon and looking ahead
17.10 Drinks

* One week before the start of the afternoon you will receive the extensive program.

Sign up here for the Knowledge Session on the Safe Use of Arsenic in Library Collections. Feel free to share this invitation with other interested parties in your network. https://lnkd.in/ezJDfi7j

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