Applications are now open for the 2025-2026 Getty Graduate Internship program! Opportunities are available in the GCI’s Buildings & Sites, Collections, and Science departments, and the GCI Information Center. For a full list of internship descriptions, see

Graduate internships at Getty are open to applicants of all nationalities who are either currently enrolled in a graduate program (Master's or Ph.D.) or graduate conservation certificate (or their equivalents for international applicants) in a field relevant to the internship(s) for which they are applying; or who have recently completed a relevant graduate degree. Internships are full-time for twelve months and include a $47,500 stipend, $1,500 towards relocation expenses (if coming from outside the Los Angeles area), and up to $2,500 to support research travel. Individuals from groups underrepresented across the fields of art history, conservation, and museums are encouraged to apply.

The deadline to apply is November 4, 2024. Application materials and further information are available at

For questions regarding the program or the application process, please contact:

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