From 30 June to 5 July 2024 Kimia will be "Silver Sponsor" of the 18th edition of the World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE2024), the world earthquake engineering conference to be held this year in Milan. And for the occasion it will launch the international program "Kimia for Innovation" with which it is offering 60,000 euros to support scientific research in the field of materials for seismic and structural engineering. 

The WCEE takes place every four years and will attract more than 4000 people including academics and professionals from all over the world. Furthermore, he returns to Italy after half a century. In fact, it was Rome that hosted the fifth edition in 1974. Since 1956, the scientific event has taken place in countries such as the USA, Japan, New Zealand, India, Turkey, Spain, Mexico, Canada, China and Portugal. 

Kimia's support for WCEE24 is a tangible sign of the Umbrian company's commitment to the field of seismic prevention and safety. The company will be present, in fact, with an exhibition space (stand D34) and will officially launch "Kimia for Innovation", the international competition aimed at promoting research and development of new technologies for the structural consolidation of historic, civil and infrastructural buildings

Kimia for Innovation will be open to projects presented by researchers and engineering and architecture faculties from all over the world, and provides financial support of € 60,000 for: 

  • One PhD scholarship (contribution amount of € 50,000; 
  • Two degree prizes worth 5,000 euros each. 

Projects can be presented from June 26th until December 31st. The winners will be announced in March 2025.

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