The ICOM Award is the first global award organised by ICOM that recognises innovative initiatives and exemplary museum practices in sustainable development.  

The International Council of Museums (ICOM), as a global organisation, aims to demonstrate the various ways in which the museum sector contributes to sustainable development; and inspire museums and museum professionals everywhere in the world to begin or strengthen their efforts for sustainable development in practice. 

The ICOM Award for Sustainable Development Practice in Museums receives entries, judged by an international Jury on the basis of the five dimensions of Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), namely the 5 P’s: People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership.  

The ICOM Award Ceremony will take place at the ICOM 27th General Conference in 2025 in Dubai.


By launching this Award, ICOM contributes to implementing its 2019 Resolution “On sustainability and the implementation of Agenda 2030, Transforming our World” adopted in Kyoto. It also aims to: 

  • Recognise museum practices for sustainable development at a global level. 
  • Provide awareness-raising and learning opportunities across ICOM network related to Sustainable Development. 
  • Promote the roles and responsibilities of museums in sustainable development. 
  • Provide a platform that can support advocacy on the diverse roles and actions of museums for sustainable development 
  • Address the priorities in the ICOM Strategic Plan 2022-2023, namely FA1 Global Positioning, FA3 Climate Change, FA3 Leadership, FA2 Communication, FA2 Diversity. 


The project selection process will be carried out by a Jury composed of seven (7) Expert Members consisting of four (4) Museum Experts and two (2) Sustainable Development Expert. The Jury will be chaired by the Chair of the International Committee on Sustainable Development (“ICOM SUSTAIN”). 

ICOM SUSTAIN is the International Committee on Museums and Sustainable Development. Its goal is to investigate the role of developing a sustainability information hub, aiming to facilitate initiatives undertaken by other parts of ICOM, and more importantly, communicating these to the members as they address their own pathways to a sustainable future. 

In this respect, this Call is launched to select the panel of the six (6) Expert members of the Jury.  

The organisation and the mandate of the Jury is governed by Terms of reference. 


You can submit an application to be part of the Jury by 31 May 2024

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