The European Research Centre for Book and Paper Conservation-Restoration offers for free open-access publication in our peer-reviewed Journal “Conservation Update” with DOI identifiers and for free!!!

  • High-quality lectures available any time on our webpage:
  • A search engine to find relevant articles in over 100 periodicals relevant to written heritage conservation and covering 30 languages (MuLiBiNe):
  • Online conferences on timely and pressing topics (our own events) next upcoming on 2 – 3 Nov. 2023
  • Overview of other organisations’ conferences (others´ events)

Please feel free to make use of it all.

All this can be offered for free thanks to 12 years of the cooperative voluntary work of our interdisciplinary international team. In case you are interested in joining this effort, please send an e-mail to or (in your language) to the representative of your country at


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