APOYOnline - the Association for Heritage Preservation of the Americas - is excited to continue the series of fundraising events “APOYOnline & Friends: A Masterclass Series” to support our scholarship funds for students and emerging professionals. 

This series of intimate classes will include virtual discussions and opportunities for one-on-one question and answer with heritage preservation experts. The classes will be up to three hours in length, under 40 participants, with the content and format developed by each expert. Each class will be presented in the native language of the expert, with instructional material provided in Spanish, English, and Portuguese, as needed. 

Attendees will be encouraged to attend the classes with cameras open and to engage in active discussions with the experts. 

Why our collections matter – connecting heritage collections and sustainable development with José Luiz Pedersoli” on Saturday, 9 September 2023, from 10 am-12 pm EST (USA). This exciting Masterclass will provide practical information on the implementation of “Our Collections Matter” (OCM) protocols using the OCM toolkit. 

Help APOYOnline with the future of heritage preservation and take advantage of this unique opportunity to learn from preeminent experts in heritage preservation by donating to our scholarship funds.

Click here and specify in the description: for scholarship funds. 


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