We would like to invite you to support the ongoing work of Just Transitions: Heritage Education for Climate Adaptation (JT-HECA), an initiative of the Canadian academic institutional members of the Climate Heritage Network (CHN).  

We would be pleased if you could assist us by sharing the following link to a questionnaire with your students, alumni, and colleagues who might be interested: https://arcg.is/OH8uO

Following the successful events in June 2022 and February 2023, the next virtual event is taking place on 14 October 2023. 

As part of the proceedings, we are gathering information on the broad spectrum of programs, courses, and/or training opportunities in and related to the field of heritage conservation and management, specifically in relation to climate change adaptation, mitigation, and planning.  

Our goal is to reach enrolled students or recent graduates as well as early career professionals and solicit their experiences and perspectives from wherever they are in the world. An analysis of the findings and the outcomes of the survey will be shared with participants at the JT-HECA event on 14 October.  

Gli annunci dell'ICCROM sono un servizio per le istituzioni professionali dei nostri Stati membri. Gli inserti riportano annunci su argomenti ed eventi legati alla conservazione provenienti da tutto il mondo. Sono a disposizione del pubblico dell'ICCROM esclusivamente a scopo informativo. La loro pubblicazione non implica nessun tipo di approvazione da parte dell'ICCROM.

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